Don’t Miss: Kingalx Shop Review
About Kingalx Shop:
Kinga-lx Shop is a reasonable price online shop from where customers can buy:
- Tool
- Furniture
- Electronic
- Outdoor sports
- Fitness Equipment
Domain Information
HOSTINGER operations, UAB
Registered On:
Expires On:
Updated On:
Name Servers:
Safety Score
Kinga-lx Shop looks attractive but, the safety score of Kinga-lx Shop is strongly low but, why? Following are the reasons behind the low safety score:
- The domain name “Kinga-lx Shop” is too new.
- Not sharing contact information is very common for scam websites, similarly Kinga-lx Shop is not sharing contact number and location.
- To lure their customers’ Kinga-lx Shop is offering products at unrealistic discounts.
- Kinga-lx Shop have no social-proof.
- Whois data status of Kinga-lx Shop is hidden.
- Kinga-lx Shop is not sharing genuine details.
Reliability Checkpoints!
- The logo designed by Kinga-lx Shop is related to the domain name which is good but, the logo is not enough to know its legitimacy there are also some other reliability checkpoints that you should know before buying from Kinga-lx Shop.
- Kinga-lx Shop is also asking their customers to submit their email by saying that it is convenient to notify you when we will introduce a new product online but customers’ should beware as it’s not safe to submit their email on Kinga-lx Shop.
- Each product displayed on the Kinga-lx Shop website is not described and categorized properly.
- The return policy updated on the Kinga-lx Shop return policy page is not genuine. On its return page, Kinga-lx Shop has mentioned that for returning products customers need to contact within 14 days but on its FAQ Section they have mentioned that for product return customers need to contact within 7 days.
- Kingalx-Shop has not listed clear refund and return criteria.
- Kinglx Shop is supporting PayPal and credit/debit card payments but, it is not supporting secure payment methods like cash on delivery.
- Kingalx -Shop has many negative factors but still, Kinga-lx Shop products have full 5-star ratings.
- Kinga-lx- Shop hasn’t addressed its contact location and contact number but, they have addressed untrustworthy email location.
- The domain information updated on the whois record is not showing Kinga-lx Shop owner’s details.
- The “Kinga-lx Shop” domain is set to expire soon this year {check whois record for more domain information}.
- Who leads Kinga-lx Shop? Not Known.
- Kinga-lx Shop hasn’t won its customers’ trust as genuine customers’ reviews are not available on Kinga-lx Shop. Customers’ reviews are the best way to know whether the website is winning its customers’ trust or not.
- On its about us page Kinga-lx Shop has mentioned that its products include beauty, toys, clothes, and furniture but, on its front page Kinga-lx Shop has only mentioned men’s clothing, household items, and men’s clothing.
- Kinga-lx Shop is not making reasonable efforts to address its customers’ concerns.
- Kinga-lx Shop is not connecting with its customer’s on any social networking platform.
- Any platform without owner details looks dishonest similarly, Kinga-lx Shop also looks dishonest as this shopping site is also hiding its owner details so, please beware of Kinga-lx Shop.
- Customers should avoid trusting Kinga-lx Shop as the trust score of Kinga-lx Shop is extremely low.
Scam Store!
Kingalx Shop is not passing any legitimacy checkpoint which is proving that Kingalx Shop is a scam store and customers should avoid Kingalx Shop.
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This content is written to help you in understanding the truth of King-alx Shop hope you liked this content…Thank you for choosing break scam…